Lumayanlah dengan essay ini ternyata lolos tahap satu pada keduanya. Pada tahap satu ini hanya penyeleksian nilai rapot dari semester satu hingga empat, keorganisasian, prestasi, dan yang kesemuanya dilengkapi dengan essay yang intinya kenapa saya harus mendapatkan beasiswa tersebut. Namun sayang pada tahap dua saya tidak lolos seleksi, keduanya. Tahap dua merupakan tes tertulis yang terdiri dari Math A Level dan Fisika. Sebenarnya tergantung kita daftarnya ke jurusan apa sii, karena saya apply ke Computer Science, jadinya saya tesnya pelajaran tersebut. Fisika sii masih bisa di-handle, karena sama saja dengan pelajaran Fisika di SMA, namun Math A Level itu lho, isinya kalkulus kebanyakan, yang mana saya cuma bisa diferensial sama integral yang ece-ece doang saat itu. Hha.. Kalau daftarnya ke jurusan yang sosial, tesnya hanya Math AO Level, sebelas dua belas sama matematika dasar SBMPTN lah, yang jaman saya namanya SNMPTN.. Bisalah ya.. :)
Tapi tak apa, pengalaman banget. Lolos tahap satu aja senangnya bukan main. Bisa lolos dari ribuan orang, hingga yang tersaring sekitar dua ratus orang. Awesome..
Menggarami diri sendiri.. -.-"
Here it is the essay..
I'll fly to Singapore to reach my future.
I always consider myself as a dreamer; of course I like to dream. Everyone often dreams, but I think I'm the most frequent one. Most of my dreams don't make sense, but aren't all dreams like that? So, I can't be blamed. To me, dreams that do make sense aren't really dreams, but they're plans.
I'm not too tall, but I think I'm tall enough. I'm neither skinny nor fat. I'm handsome (I say this to make myself more confident). I'm always proud with what I have, and that's what I believe is best for me.
I love my family. I love my strong committed father, who is always modest, and strict but for my own good. I love my caring mother, who is always concerned for my well being, who always reminds me to do this and that, and prays for my future. I love my hyperactive little sister, who's just started figuring out her teen years. I really love them so much just as they love me.
I enjoy writing. Sometimes I want to be a writer. But I'm sure that my talent isn't with a pen and piece of paper, because my writings isn't that good. Some people say that I like to exaggerate things. But for me, too much is better than too little.
I like math, and like physics even more. But law of physics doesn't apply to me, I'm flexible and easygoing. I'm cold, calm, and not emotional. I'm not affected by any formula; I'm free, and not tied to any molecule.
I always think that life is full of choices, just like trees that branches and ends on a different bud. Every choices I make, has its consequences. I'm a person that is always ready to make these choices and face whatever consequences that follows.
I'm stupid, that is what I always say to myself. I always position myself as someone stupid so I won't stop learning new things. I believe that the time when I say that I'm smart, that's the time when my life will end, because I'll turn into someone arrogant, always underestimate the people around me, someone lazy and end up being a disgraced person.
I'm a committed person. If I want something, I'll never stop chasing it until I finally get it. I'll always try to aim for the sky, because even if I miss, I'm sure that I'll still be among the stars. I know the line between useless and useful, because I know how big my ability is. This is the world where surviving on enthusiasm alone is never enough; we need to have the devotion and hard work to succeed.
So, basically I'm just an ordinary teenager living an ordinary life. But I'll always try to be someone more. One day, I'll leave my ordinary life behind and become someone great.
But I haven't gone to college….
Moreover I haven't gone to Singapore….
I'll keep on dreaming to get a chance to study there.
I'll fly to Singapore to reach my future..
Essay ini kredit bangetlah untuk temen SMA gua, Tera Wednes Oktireva Harsa yang udah bantuin tranlate-in jadi in English. Jadi awalnya nyoba translate sendiri gitu, tapi fail.. Dibantuin deh akhirnya.. Dia mah kan udah fluently gitu English-nya. Hhe..
Sesungguhnya, gw masih punya mimpi yang sama lho.. Mudah-mudahan bisa S2 disana, kalau ada yang mw bayarin.. :)
Rahasia Allah..
Rahasia Allah..